当前位置 首页 动漫 《海绵宝宝第三季》


类型:动漫 美国 2002

主演:汤姆·肯尼  比尔·法格巴克  玛丽·乔·卡特利特  欧内斯特·博格宁  罗德格尔·邦..  

导演:Alan  Smart  


  Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy decide to have lunch at the Krusty Krab. Learning this, Spongebob becomes overexcited and runs for an autograph, prompting the heroes to flee in fear and in the process, Mermaid Man drops his utility belt, which includes many features including a shrinking button, which Spongebob inadvertantly uses to shrink everyone in Bikini Bottom./Spongebob is in the process of failing his driving exam (yet again), and while they plunge off an unfinished bridge, Mrs. Puff imagines many outcomes of the event, one of which is going to jail.

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